Saturday, May 30, 2009

Paul Washer's Shocking Sermon

This is not a "Warm and Fuzzy" sermon, but, you better listen up, especially if you profess to be a Christian, and going on the word of a preacher, or evangelist. Not everyone who says 'Lord, Lord', will enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Mat 7:21)

more about "Paul Washer's Shocking Sermon", posted with vodpod

This is not, I repeat, NOT Old Testament law, but, Jesus' spoken word. You, whom are duped into believing you can live in iniquity, and still be saved as you said a short prayer sometime ago, must re-think your position. You are only fooling yourself... and where will that get you. You will glide through this short life, enjoying your fleshly desires, and loving the world, without guilt. Isn't that nice? When you reach the end, which could be today, you may not act stupid in front of your Judge, the Almighty. You have been mistakenly and misguidedly believing for clemency from your maker, as wealthy preachers have been preaching the wrong Gospel to you.

I tell you this in love, consider the possibility you are wrong, and you must answer for all your sin and evil works. We cannot have a relationship with our Lord if we regard iniquity, or love the world. The Holy Spirit does not dwell in us, as we harbour hate and bitterness. We are not going to Heaven, and can truly say we are saved, when we support or practice such evil as living in adultery, abortion, and all forms of blasphemy, without repentance. We cannot continue to live in the sin, and merely just keep saying, "I am sorry God".

Please, pick up a Bible, and read the New Testament, but, remember, as you read the passages, especially in Paul's books, which pertain to salvation... they are referring to BELIEVERS! That is, ones whom are standing in faith in God's inerrant Word. They didn't come by faith after reciting a short prayer, as today's evangelists would have you believe, to increase their numbers. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. There is NO OTHER WAY!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Free To Believe

The other day I was on the "Prayer" group page of facebook when I ran across a more than interesting entry. The page is basically intended for members to either submit prayers, or make prayer requests. The entry to which I am referring, however, was neither. The submitter was looking for controversy by posting an excerpt from a post on his page, by one of his friends. A woman was making an observation regarding the growing "Christian" presence on "facebook".
Commenting on all the references she has observed pertaining to God, the woman was trying to make the point of "Throwing around God's name does not make us Christians". She went on to explain how she has observed so many whom practice leaving inspirational notes and godly remarks, were also just as involved in ungodly behavior. She pointed out Mat 7:21, "Not everyone who says to me 'Lord, Lord', shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven". She concluded with the advise "Maybe they should get off facebook, and pick up a Bible".
The gentleman submitting the comment, was asking for people's "thoughts", as it was apparent he had been offended by the observation. All the times I've visited the Prayer page, I have never seen so many responses to an entry, even when people were requesting prayer for dyer situations. The remarks mounted quickly, in a cruel and vicious assault against the woman, questioning her Christianity. One stood out to me, especially, stating "we" are supposed to be spreading "his" name.
Any whom have read the majority of my articles, are fully aware where I stand. I was compelled as never before to add my two cents. I wrote, "What she says is biblical truth. If it raises so much emotion and controversy, perhaps we need to analyze ourselves, rather than the messenger", which did not 'go over' too well.
As it is quite true, we are, as Christians, expected and commanded to speak of God to others. What I have oftentimes observed is that too many spread His name for their own glory and vanity, rather than for His Glory. Advertising that they are Christian takes priority in their heart. Some do it out of ignorance, while many do it intentionally. In either case, they face certain doom for their calamity.
I cannot think of a more perfect example than someone I've known personally. As of late, I have come across several instances where they have made note on various Internet pages, including facebook, that they are a "Devoted Christian", and proclaiming the "Goodness of God". I know, just as well, they harbour hate and bitterness in their heart. They live a constant lie. This person is far from being a victim, as they portray to unsuspecting ears. They are equally to blame (Mat 7:1-6) for the conflicts they leave behind, but, accept no responsibility or accountability. Instead, they take vindictive actions against people, and refuse to forgive (Mat 18:23-35). Their style of life encourages and empowers the enemy in all lives around them.
The huge misconception by many, and a tool for argument by atheists, is that because we are Christian we are not supposed to sin. How ridiculous! Every human sins, but, as Christians we have put away sin, or iniquity, and pledge to follow the Heart of Jesus, and the Word of God. God knows we will slip, He expects it. As soon as we slip, our heart is convicted by the Holy Spirit, we repent, and by God's promise, as believers, we are forgiven. In particular cases, however, the sin is premeditated, and without conscience. They neither seek, nor give, forgiveness (Mat 6:15-15). They are under the mistaken impression that, even though they are still involved in the sin, God automatically forgives them, and they claim they are blessed by God.
These people are confusing God's Blessing with Satan's enabling. As we cherish the desire to control and manipulate others, Satan is in his delight, as he knows this draws us away from God's Will. All demonic influences and principalities will join forces to create the delusion that "God must be making this happen", as it comes so easily and seemingly effortless. Demons can even take on the appearance of an angel visiting us, or speaking to us, to coax us into rationalizing and justifying our ungodly actions.
God's inerrant Word never relays it is alright to attack another human for personal gain, or inflict suffering, for revenge. There is only one truth and that is the Word of God. The Holy Bible, or the Believers Instructions Before Leaving Earth, is not God's "Suggestion" book. Rather, it is His command for how all are to live. Whether or not, we choose to believe that, is irrelevant.
Now, more than ever, all should be vigilant to the time of the rapture of the church. We are ever so close to the time in which the Antichrist will be revealed, immediately following the rapture. The campaign of the enemy to eliminate the Bible and sway even believers to corruption has intensified, in preparation. Just as many professed Christians, as non-believers, take part in and/or support abortion, divorce, fornication, adultery, and the list goes on.
The Lord will only rapture His faithful (Rev 3:10). Many pastors and evangelists will not be spared the Tribulation (Mat 7:22). "Then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; go away from me you evil doers'," (Mat 7:23).
Many so called preachers (wolves in sheep's clothing, Mat 7:15) are more interested in recruiting numbers than preaching the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. They will throw God's name into their WARM AND FUZZY SERMONS once in awhile, but, promote personal reliance and motivation to escape any guilt for our sin. They portray adhering to God's commandments as "Good works" and suggest its not only unnecessary, but, a sin, in and of itself. There are many, but, Joel Osteen is a perfect example. In this interview with Larry King, he once again side steps and walks the fence in order to not upset any potential customers.
In the same perspective of self-promotion Oprah Winfrey, a professed Christian, not only promotes demonic, anti-Christian books such as "Laws of Attraction", and "The Secret", but, proclaims we can believe whatever we want, and there are many ways to get to Heaven.
More and more people whom profess Christianity are abandoning the truth of the Gospel, in favor of a massive rationalization which supports their transgressions. Don't submit to God's word, worship idols, and still go to Heaven? This is what millions are swearing to, but, profess Christ, only because they said a short prayer sometime ago.
This is Jesus' spoken word, in the Sermon on the Mount: "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven (Mat 7:21).
Those whom proclaim God is good, but, think they can live in iniquity, will also learn God is JUST !

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Faith: The Sum Of The Total

Faith is often referred to as a religion. As it is true, Christianity is based on faith, faith is not what we believe in. Faith is something every human possesses to some degree. Simply put, faith is believing in the unseen. Our Lord is not draconian; our entire relationship with Him depends on faith, as allowed by His Grace (Eph 2:8). Our salvation depends on faith, in His inerrant Word, and His promise.
If we are aware of His Word, which was written allegorically, we possess all the evidence needed that God's Word is inerrant. Biblical Prophecy has never been wrong. The first coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ, was thoroughly mapped out all throughout The Old Testament, thousands of years before His birth. His second coming is also mapped out, in The New Testament. We are expected to believe, based specifically on proof by The Old Testament, our Christ will come again.
Mat 17:20 tells us if we have "Faith the size of a mustard seed" nothing is impossible. The mustard seed was the smallest planted by the Jews of Jesus' day, yet the bush grew to be eight to twelve feet high and birds made their nests in the branches. In general terms, the smallest amount of faith will be richly rewarded, as even small faith is real faith.
On a more specific note, Mat 8:5-13 tells of the centurion, a Gentile, who went to Jesus in total faith as his servant lay dying. Jesus offered to go to the centurion's house to cure him, but, the centurion exclaimed through faith, "...only speak the word, and my servant will be healed." Jesus said, "Go; let it be done for you according to your faith." The servant was healed in that hour.
Jesus knows, because we are human, we are going to have a little doubt and fear. Before Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, He experienced great suffering, as He knew what He faced. In the end, He knew the Father's Will be done. The Lord does not want that we live in pain and suffering, though. If we are to have faith, we know with all our heart that God will not forsake us in our righteousness.
Unfortunately, most professed Christians do not spend a lot of time in a relationship with the Lord, until they are suffering. Then, we expect the Lord to come to our assistance immediately, because we are 'believers'. What exactly do we believe? That even though we are sinners, God is at our beckon call? In as much the same way non-believers, and believers alike, resort to 'God causes bad things to happen', we get mad when He doesn't answer our specific prayers.
When are we for God? God doesn't need us, but, fortunately for us, He wants us. He has a specific Will for our life. When was the last time you prayed for what His specific Will is for your life? Prior to your need, or situation you pray for, did you diligently serve the Lord? Did you pray without ceasing? That doesn't mean we must pray every second of the day, but, we should go through the day seeking His guidance and appreciating Him, for sure.
Faith is not just believing Jesus died on the cross, but, that He did it for us so that we can be healed. Healing is included in the work of Jesus, as redeemer. The Bible does not indicate that we become sick because we sin, nor does God intend to heal every sick person, and remove every malady. To everything there is a season, and to every season there is a purpose under Heaven.
Sometime, we go through seasons where we just don't feel God is there. We feel He is not answering our prayers. Many times, God is answering us, we just don't see it. Many times He is not, for a reason. He is working things in our lives of which we cannot conceive. We cannot possibly see everything and know what is best, as does God. If we are righteous, without iniquity, the Holy Spirit is always with us, and in us. If we learn to trust in Him, we will release the fretting. In His perfect timing, we will receive the blessings He intends, if we do not interfere in His work. That is faith.
I listened to a woman explain to another woman, she prayed for a specific 'mountain' to be moved in her life, with all her heart. She went to bed, and as soon as she awoke the next morning she checked. The mountain in her life was still there. She exclaimed to the other woman, "I knew it!" That is not faith.
I am not perfect, but, I believe if we do the very best we can to stay righteous, and have faith in God's Word, and stay faithful to Him, He will be faithful to us. If we pray for a specific thing (that is God's will) to be done, and believe it is done, it will be done. By my own experience, I have seen God do the impossible. He waited until the darkest hour, which He often does, so that there would be no doubt of His Glory. In two of the most important issues in my life, I had complete faith, it would be done. There was no possible way it could have been anything other than Divine intervention.
No matter what is going on in our lives, it is not important that we understand how God is working. No matter how bleak things get, trust in Him with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding (Prov 3:5)
Adrian Rogers once said, "It’s faith that enables us to live the Christian life. In order to know what faith is, let me tell you what faith is not. Faith is not a hunch. Nor is it positive thinking. Faith is not responding to emotions, feelings, or icicles up and down your spine or miracles, signs and wonders. Faith is not believing that God can do something. Faith is knowing that God will. Faith is taking God at His word. Real faith dies to doubt. It is dumb to discouragement. It is blind to impossibilities. Now this is the kind of faith we need."

But strive first for the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today's trouble is enough worry for today. (Mat 6:33-34)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

HR 1913: "Deviaton" of First Amendment and Bible


HR 1913 has already passed the House Judiciary Committee, and is being perpetuated through Congress while nobody is paying attention. The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009 is sponsored by Representatives John Conyers (D-Michigan), Mark Kirk (R-Illinois), and crafted by openly gay Barney Frank.
At last count the bill is co-sponsored by 43 representatives in all, and is riddled with "gay" politics. It was introduced between sessions, and totally disregards the will of the people. The bill is a serious threat to Religious freedom and freedom of speech. A pastor would no longer be able to preach the truth found in the Bible in the privacy of his own congregation.
A pastor's sermon could be considered 'hate speech' under this legislation if heard by an individual who then acts aggressively against persons based on 'sexual orientation'. Under those circumstances the pastor could be prosecuted for "conspiracy to commit a hate crime".
The wording in the bill is so vague in its description of "victims", it legitimizes over 30 sexual deviations, including PEDOPHILES. A similar bill, HR 1592, was vetoed by President Bush in 2007. President Obama has already expressed his favor of the bill and would sign it. As so many other detrimental items against our nation are being perpetrated, the bill threatens to be passed amidst the confusion of the financial crisis.
The bill is being promoted under the fraudulent premise that their is a plague of attacks on gays, lesbians, and transgender. The Obama administration must patronize the gay population for its votes, and the Senators which back it are ignorantly succumbed to the "Political Correctness" absurdity, with no regard of the people. Absurdly False polls recently reported "The majority of Americans support the gay lifestyle".
Once again, the freedoms of the masses are at risk for the amoral views of the 'special interest' group. In the United Kingdom, they have already incorporated a watered down version of the bill. Foreign "anti-gay" preachers have been banned from the country. A few years ago, a Swedish preacher, Ake Green, was sentenced to prison for his July 2003 Sermon Regarding Homosexuality. On appeal to a higher court and much global outcry, he was released.
This legislation proposes that if anyone has feelings or thoughts against an act, they are led to destroy it. This suggests that if you are opposed to the sickening thought of same sex behavior, you are a potential threat of inciting violence. What is the difference of this and the Dept. of Homeland Security's Report to all Law Enforcement (pdf) in the country labeling any whom disagree with Obama as "terrorists"? Nothing in perspective, enormous in scope.
Evangelist are particularly worried about this bill because it may curtail their rights of free speech under the first amendment, but, even worse it would constitute an abridgement of their rights to their own religious convictions. Once again, the government's tearing down of our Constitution, which was expressly written to protect the freedom of religion.
The Traditional Values Coalition directed by Chairman Louis P. Sheldon said “This bill is an incremental step toward the ultimate objective of the gay agenda to criminalize any speech or thoughts concerning homosexuals or transgenders, etc, which will be used by rogue judges and gay activists to target so-called “hate speech” as an incitement to violence. This has already occurred in Canada, Sweden and Britain.”
Please Sign Our Petition To Prevent The Elimination of Freedom of Speech

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Constant Friend We Don't Always Remember

The Holy Spirit is the third member of the Holy Trinity, along with the Father and the Son. All three are God in different forms. Most Christians don't even understand the concept, and too often the Holy Spirit goes ignored, or worse, denied. It is the worse form of blasphemy to deny the Holy Spirit (Mat 12:31-32). Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is unforgivable.
We pray to either God or Jesus for our needs on a regular basis. Evangelists do not teach much on the Holy spirit, and other Christian, or Bible believing churches never mention the Spirit, or Holy Ghost. The Catholic Church involves the Holy Spirit in all teachings and prayers. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin, Mary. After Jesus died and was risen, He returned to His disciples again, and advised them the Holy Spirit would come to help them. Because Jesus died for our sins, we are given the opportunity to have the Holy Spirit dwell in us.
John 14:15-16, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever."
The Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf to help us. He is the Spirit of truth who abides with us and in us. When Jesus comes into our heart, the Holy Spirit mediates His presence to us. Experiencially speaking, to have the Holy Spirit, is to have Christ. The Holy spirit will teach us all things and will bring back to our memories spiritual things we have forgotten.
There are times I have testified to someone, and I spoke words or scripture I had no knowledge of going into the conversation; that's the Holy Spirit. He empowers us to glorify the Lord. He convicts us of sin when we slip, so we can repent, and be regenerated. I have been looking at a difficult situation, prayed to the Lord to let the Spirit take charge of the situation, and I glide right through the situation unscathed.
I know exactly when the Spirit is in total charge of my body. I focus on Jesus with all my heart and without provocation I receive a light static electrical charge from the back of my head to the ankles. Its almost like a chill or when we get goose bumps, but, distinctively different. I then have peace and strength like no other time. If we could train ourselves to utilize the Spirit more regularly, without forethought, we would be invincible.
The Holy Spirit is just waiting for us to give up control, or doing things our way, to give us victory in all areas of our lives. So many times I've heard Christians refer to Jesus as their co-pilot. I say they are sitting in the wrong seat. If we train ourselves to pray as though we were talking to God sitting right next to us, we would eventually turn control over to Him.
The Holy Spirit not only teaches us and enables us to understand scriptures, He speaks to us through scripture. Many times I have been praying about something in particular, and led right to scripture that gave me a specific answer. There have also been times something was disturbing me or effecting me and I was unaware of its significance; the Holy Spirit gave me a 'heads-up' through scripture.
The main thing is devoting as much time as possible to focusing on the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. We all too often tend to forget the presence of God in our life, especially the times we need Him the most...when we don't know we need Him. It is hard to understand, at first, but, persistence is key. If we just give up our will and let His Will be done, it really works, I promise.
We tend to always pray to God to do this or that; to make things happen in our lives. We have the power in us when we have the Holy Spirit in control. We need only to speak to a difficult situation or illness to heal it. We were given the power when Christ took all the torture for us. Its not necessary to track down a preacher or 'healer' to pray over our loved ones illness. We have the same power as any human that has complete faith in Christ, through the Holy Spirit.