Integrity preaching of the Bible; God's Word as it was written. People acting as Christians, not just saying they are Christians. Twisting or refuting God's Word is Blasphemy.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Just Tell It!!!
"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." Revelations 12:11, KJV
I discovered something while a student in law school that shed light on why so many people are bound by situations they should be set free from. During an Evidence class, we came to the topic of "Testimony". In summary, I discovered that testimony serves the purpose of proving the truthfulness of a matter by the confirmation of another who has (preferably) first hand knowledge of the events. This person is called a "witness". This individual only qualifies as a witness if they have "first hand knowledge or experience" of the matter. The most powerful testimony a witness can possess is "eye witness" testimony. The testimony offered by a witness who lacks this first hand knowledge is categorized as "hearsay". Hearsay has very little probative value and is often excluded from being accepted into evidence. Oftentimes, the freedom, and very life, of the one being tried depends on eyewitnesses that are willing to testify concerning what they know.
As I read Revelations 12:11, it occurred to me that many people are unnecessarily bound and perishing in their trials because the enemy has shamed witnesses from coming forward and testifying about their own experiences and what they know. The enemy knows our testimony has the power to defeat him and set the accused free. Many people are serving life sentences in bondage, condemnation, and some even losing their lives, because they've lost all hope of things getting better or them surviving what they're going through. However, we are living testimonies or evidence that they can in fact make it. The enemy tried to destroy our bodies, minds/souls and spirits - but failed. Our testimony proves that the devil is a liar and defeated!
Testimony, by its very nature, is not for the one testifying but for the benefit of the one being tried. I don't care how shameful your past may have been; someone else needs the deliverance that is in your mouth. There is a ministry in your testimony that cannot be denied or refuted. Proverbs 18:21 declares, that the "power of life and death is in the tongue".
It is interesting to note that the root word for "testimony" in the Greek is "martus". It is the same word from which we get the word "martyr". A martyr is someone who died for what they believe and know to be true. I mentioned earlier, that "hearsay" testimony is generally not accepted as evidence. However, there are exceptions to this rule. One such exception concerns the "words of a dying or dead person". These words are considered unusually reliable because a dying or dead person (1) has not ongoing interest in the matter, and (2) has nothing to lose by telling the truth. They are no longer subject to fear, intimidation or the power of those who have an interest in the outcome of a matter. They're free to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help them God!
As born again, blood washed, forgiven Believers, who are dead to all the guilt and shame of our past, why are we testifying to what we have experienced and been delivered from? It is all under the blood, buried in the watery grave of baptism and crucified with our old man. Our past has no power over us! We are free to tell it - all of it! There is no more condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus(Romans 8:1). When and if we fall short, we can pray for forgiveness and God forgives us, never to be brought to our charge again.
With this being the case, let me ask you a question: What are you afraid of? What's keeping you from testifying to others of what God has brought you out of and delivered you from? Others are struggling with the same thing you've been delivered from and need to know the truth - that God is a deliverer!
The text says, "they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony." Jesus has done His part in defeating the enemy. He shed His blood and rose from the grave. Now we must do our part by tell our testimony! Every time you "tell it", it reminds the devil he is "defeated!" Go ahead - remember what He's done for you! Don't be afraid or ashamed - just "tell it!" Dr. J.C. Matthews, Senior Pastor of Dunamis Life Ministries and Chancellor of The International Kingdom Institute.
I am a 53 yr old businessman and I came across a subject for which I took up an interest a few years ago. That developed into other things and changed my whole direction in life. My biggest hurdle in accomplishing my book has been incorrect or missing data for which I developed a new passion. Christian is, as Christian does.
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