Saturday, April 4, 2009

Intervention Exorcism

Notre Dame, the Catholic (Christian) University, has invited Barack Obama to give the commensurate speech to the graduating class of 2009. No one should have a problem with that. He is President of our country. It should be a great honor to have the President of the United States address any graduating class. Many are outraged that the Christian University would have the President speak there.
Having opposing views of any nature, and the freedom to express them, is what this country is all about. The religious beliefs of an individual should not be a reason, alone, to reject their ability to address a unit of people based on accomplishment and fulfilling the American dream. After all, the President is not going to debate their belief, or sway it in any way. Or, is he?
Their have been reports that Barack Obama's people pushed for the invite. Of course, in that case, it would obviously be another manipulating move in Obama's on-going campaign, three months after his inauguration. That would be another deception. We do not have solid proof of that, yet, so let us not speculate.
How it came to be, the President was 'invited' to speak at the graduation, is just one issue which should be looked at. The reason his speaking at Notre Dame has become an intense issue, is Barack Obama's completely blasphemous stand for issues against the Christian faith. It seems, even though Barack Obama stated he was a Christian, and gave a lengthy speech to affirm it, he does not understand what the word Christian means. It is documented on a Kenya birth certificate his religion is Islam. Barack claims he was born in Hawaii, but, to date has yet to produce a physical certificate.
Most of the President's political views are in conflict with the Christian faith, but, none so much as his stand on abortion. Obama's wish has always been to extend the right to terminate an infant's life, even out of the womb. I am aware of the fact there are a lot of confused Catholics, but, there is no confusion in where the Catholic Church stands on abortion: life begins at conception, and it is murder.
Nancy Pelosi stated publicly, during the Presidential campaign, she is Catholic, and according to her, the Catholic Church cannot agree on when life begins. She made this statement of heresy to defend Obama's open stand on the issue. The Church called her on it, after much outrage, but, it was swept under the rug, as usual. Whether Pelosi knew the truth, and was lying, as she would do anything to achieve the office for Obama, or she is ignorant, it should have been addressed strongly and publicly by all. Instead, many Christians voted amorally.
We would reasonably assume that President Obama is not going to preach his values, or lack of, to the class of '09. Instead, I should think he would give a motivational, hope for the future type speech. That should not be the issue, at this point. The real issue, for which the Catholic Church should be gathering in protest, is the issuance of an Honorary Degree to Mr. Obama. This is an outrage. The issuance of an Honorary Degree to an individual for life achievement is a symbol, a doctrine, if you will, that all students should strive to be like that individual; to honor and emulate them.
From an achievement stand point, Obama's views should be highly regarded (or feared) as any goals can be made real with the proper contacts and drive. To go from Community Organizer to State Senate and eventually President of the United States in as much time as it took for most of those graduating to complete their studies, is one heck of a resume. To have the charm to sway most of the population to go against their moral values and vote for a man not even legally eligible to run, is a huge accomplishment. But, to encourage our youth to go against our basic principles and grab for power by any means necessary, is an 'Obama-nation'.
I was raised Catholic, and I am not apologising for that. My childhood was horrible, and if not for the seed of God's word being planted in me by the religion, I most certainly would have been doomed. But, I know of that which I am speaking when I say, a vast majority of Catholics are not saved, and do not see the need to be. There is already so much confusion among Catholics; the Church should not add to that confusion. There have been many lost opportunities by the Vatican to step in and clear up vital issues, but, they have failed for political reasons.
I can only pray, no matter how ridiculous it appears, one of the secret societies of the Church has orchestrated this farce to lure Obama to a place where they can do an intervention exorcism on him. Anything else is just as ridiculous. This should be the perfect opportunity for the Church, and all Christians, to reveal the heresy which is boldly displayed in our face. Less than two weeks after Obama claimed publicly that he was Christian, he stated publicly in San Francisco, disparagingly, "Christians cling to their guns and their Bibles". He will soon find out, regardless of his popularity, Christians also cling to their Constitution.

1 comment:

  1. I get a last word in on the bama at Notre Dame.The Lord lifted their arms just so we could compare two men in history.
    Enter the contest.
