Saturday, April 18, 2009

"Passion": Revisited

What?!! An article regarding the "Passion"? I know that is what you are thinking. Yes, this is about "The Passion Of The Christ", February 25, 2005, Directed by Mel Gibson. I'm aware there was probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 100,000 plus articles written on the movie, and that was before and after its release of five years ago.

There was a lot of controversy back then, prior to its release. Mostly, many were concerned of the possible anti-Semitic message. But, I think for the most part all were content with its release. It was the first time a film of this production quality focused on the trial and crucifixion of Jesus. It did well in the box office, and even better on DVD, and was nominated for 3 Academy Awards.

The other day, I had a fellow Christian stop following my page. When I visited their page, I found a link to an article regarding... you guessed it! I read the 'not so flattering' rant against Mr Gibson, the movie, and most especially, the Catholic Church. "The Passion of Rome: To Bring All Wayward Catholics Home" on The Cutting Edge page, certainly cut to pieces Mel, the Church, and the movie. I assumed this is why the individual cut relations with me, as I promote and recommend the film.

I provided the link, to be fair, so that you can get the same feeling of hate, as I did, if you so choose. I wouldn't advise purchasing the variety of videos and books they have for sale, as that is their ulterior motif. Just as David MacPherson does, in his hateful rants against today's prophecy scholars, Cutting Edge uses the controversy to sell their wares.

The major difference, I found, between MacPherson (post-trib promoter) and this article, is MacPherson has so many holes in his argument, while Cutting Edge has a lot of truth. Both were relentless in their assaults. I don't feel either were warranted. MacPherson's belief in post-trib rapture is no more supported in the Bible than pre-trib rapture, however, he brutally assaults several men of God, for their beliefs.

The Cutting Edge is correct in most of their biblical assertions, but, their brutality was unnecessary. They clearly hate the Catholic Church, and I get the feeling they think that no Catholics will be in Heaven. True, the Catholic Church inserts a lot of its own doctrine into the Gospel, which is just not there. The church teaches to confess your sins to a man, and pray to various Saints and the Virgin Mary, but, they basically believe as all Christians, Jesus died for our sins, and was risen. Most Catholics believe, and attempt to follow, the Commandments of God. Many Catholics stand a better chance for salvation than do many misguided evangelists.

The author claims he was Catholic when he was young. He obviously had a bad experience. Most evangelists speak with much disdain for the Church. I am not a follower of Catholic doctrine, but, for whatever strange reasons, they believe in the ritualistic prayers and correspondence with the Saints. However, the Catholic Church also pays more attention to the Eucharist, and sharing Communion, which is biblical, and mostly ignored by evangelists.
Every religion has its holes and self imposed doctrine, contrary to scripture. That is why they are a religion. Even non-denominational Bible believing churches preach things which just are not in scripture, and ignore things which are. My constant message and general theme is for all Christians to know what the Bible says about all issues, and not to rely on any man for their salvation. We all make mistakes, but, if you find a Church continuously falls away from scripture and preaches their own agenda, you should find a Church with which you feel more comfortable.
Mel Gibson is Catholic. What should we expect, but, that he would use what he has was taught all his life to write his screenplay? He did what no man had ever accomplished before. He drew millions to view a film about Jesus, weep, and decide to re-dedicate or give their life to Christ. Most of those people were completely unaware of the Catholic doctrine, unless they were Catholic, or well read in Theology. I don't know how successful the film was in "Flocking" Catholics back to the Church, which were not already there. I do know, the film "flocked' many to "a" Church. With my (accused) narrow view of Biblical integrity, I still fail to see how this classifies Gibson as a heretic.
I am not involved in the Catholic religion, but, I thank God my mother was. If my mother only did one thing right, it was to insist I go to Church and catechism classes. My demons came from my family. My godly seed came from the Catholic Church. Knowing whether Jesus used a clay cup, or a chalice, at His Passover supper with the Apostles, isn't going to keep us out of Heaven.
There are a lot of confused Catholics, which whom, do not see the need to be saved. That doesn't mean any one who walks into a Catholic Church is a heretic. The Catholic church, unbeknown to Nancy Pelosi, is the strongest and most outspoken advocates of right-to-life. When I cannot get into a Baptist Church, or any other Chapel after hours, I will go to a Catholic Church to pray. I must say, there is stronger presence of Jesus, and the cross, in Catholic Churches, than most Baptist or Evangelical Worship Centers.
I am more concerned with evangelicals, which have become more concerned with numbers, than salvation of their members. Preaching things to their congregations which lead them away from living a godly life...that's what stirs my blood. Just the other day, I heard Larry Huch spew more ridiculous doctrine. He was doing what he does best, trying to convince people to send money to TBN, the Christian television network. He stated he can find nothing in scripture which condemns smoking. This is his exact quote: "There is no scripture that says, 'Thou shalt not lighteth uppeth a Marlboro'!" Then, he went on to bring up his drug past and how God forgave him even though he "went to church high". Apparently you still are high, Larry. Repent, and read the Bible, for real.
* I provide links to many Christian sites. I may not thoroughly agree with all of what they have to say, but, I still generally respect them as godly people. Not all will agree with me, or read my articles, they just check what links I have to offer. If I can lead them to another site where they will be led to Christ, I'm happy. Most of those sites wouldn't consider linking to mine, as I am not in full agreement with there doctrine, or I don't have a $3,000 page.
I will definitely continue to suggest people view "The Passion of the Christ", as I can find nothing else which stirs more passion for what Jesus endured for us. Most of whom will not pick up a book, or the Bible, will watch a movie. Whatever drives people to the Christ, cannot be all that demonic as the Cutting Edge accuses. *I was very knowledgeable of Catholic doctrine when I first viewed the film; I never, for one second, thought Jesus was referring to the Virgin Mother as He advised the Apostles a "Friend" would be coming to assist them. I knew He was referring to the Holy Spirit, which is biblical. This was just another unfair accusation by Cutting Edge.